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What is the difference between a mediator and an interpreter?

Difference mediator and interpreter - Eurotrad

A language mediator is also an interpreter, but his or her function is broader, as is his/her training, which extends further beyond the linguistic field. The mediator is familiar with the cultures he or she 'mediates' between and is capable of making them understand each other.

What is the role of the language mediator?

The language mediator often acts as the first welcoming point of contact between a person and his or her new country of arrival. The work of the cultural mediator is very important because it allows a path of integration to be set up, directing people towards the right bureaucratic practices but also towards the institutions and associations that can be useful to them.

What is the role of an interpreter?

An interpreter is a figure capable of rendering the simultaneous translation of a speech that has just been given Interpreters generally translate from a foreign language into their mother tongue and vice versa, so as to enable immediate and effective oral communication between speakers of different languages.

What is the difference between a mediator and an interpreter?

As we have mentioned, the role of the language mediator goes beyond the linguistic aspect: it connects two ways of living, of expressing oneself, allowing not only an for interaction but also for a deep mutual understanding.
The mediator also does this by eliminating or smoothing out any elements that might prove to be a obstacle to communication: such as, for example, certain religious beliefs or cultural relativisms In this way, he or she facilitates the interaction between the interlocutors and their cultures, rendering their communication fluid.

Why is the interpreter an important figure for companies?

One of the effects of globalisation is that many companies today have managers, employees, collaborators, suppliers and contacts hailing from all over the world.
Although much of the interaction between companies now takes place via the web, mostly in chats and written digital communication, human interaction is still an indispensable basis of business relationships between different companies or elements within the same corporate structure.
This is why the figure of the interpreter is essential within an international company or one that has employees and collaborators of different nationalities.
The presence of an interpreter will allow constant and effective communication between all company departments, facilitating the work process and significantly improving the quality of everyone’s professional life.
Eurotrad's services also include an interpreting service: we work with many highly experienced interpreters and are able to offer our services in numerous language combinations. If you need an interpreter or a language mediator, the team here at Eurotrad can put you in touch with the top professionals.

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June 12, 2023

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