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eLearning Localization

Localization services for E-learning and teleducation

Translation and localization for E-learning and distance learning courses: the solution to internationalize training
ISO 9001
ISO 17100
ISO 18587
eLearning Localization

E-learning localization: what is it all about?

Translating Distance Learning (FAD) courses means more than just making texts and videos understandable in another language. Several factors are involved when adapting digital courses to different countries: one of them is localization.

E-learning localization means adapting content to specific countries and audience segments. It is an activity that starts with the language and its translation but also goes beyond that. For example, if you need translations for E-learning in Chinese for your employees in Beijing, you might also want to customize the training material with photos that capture their culture and content adapted to local regulations, etc.

Doing digital video training around the world is more complex than it may seem. To ensure the same learning experience in all languages, you need experts in localized translations.

We at Eurotrad provide professional E-learning localization services, in every area of specialization and in all target languages. From video courses to training tutorials to all types of multimedia content, we offer excellence services in every area of online education for Universities and Business Schools.
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The localization for E-learning is indispensable nowadays, in a world where digital learning is a widespread tool for learning and increasing one’s skills, simply by connecting to the Internet.

The digital learning is a very useful tool indeed, both in school and university settings and in corporate training. There are now many institutions and companies that offer the possibility for their students or workers to take virtual lessons or video courses.

The advantages offered by teleducation are indeed many: first of all, the lowering of training costs. In the past, training activities involved the need for physical meetings between the trainer and the staff to be trained, resulting in the need for the company to rent adequate and often very expensive space. Today, thanks to E-learning, this issue is eliminated: training and refresher courses can be offered to all employees at very low cost, no matter where in the world they are located. The only condition for appreciable results is a valid translation of the E-learning courses into the language of the managers and employees to be trained.
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Our promise: comprehensive, prompt and professional service

The watchword, then, is customization, but not only that. Speed also plays a key role: material intended for e-learning generally needs to be translated very quickly, so that it can be disseminated in different countries at the same time, without running the risk of losing the freshness of the content.

In addition, localization for e-learning requires a different and specific approach depending on the formal characteristics: in some cases it may require the inclusion of subtitles, in others the dubbing of the protagonist of the video (be it a professor or the corporate trainer), and in others still the translation of texts accompanying infographics or explanatory slides.

For this reason, we at Eurotrad make use of a well-prepared and efficient editorial team, capable of intervening on your content in the most appropriate way for the specific case, in a short time and at low prices. Customization, therefore, but also speed of realization, specialization of native translators and qualified technical support. A set of elements that, we are sure, are fundamental to achieving what has been our primary goal for 20 years: the satisfaction of our clients.


Localization in the e-learning sector includes.

We at Eurotrad care about the satisfaction of our clients, which is why we offer a service including the translation of different types of documents for universities, business schools and other educational institutions such as:

  • Training courses
  • Refresher courses
  • Subtitles
  • Dubbing
  • Multimedia content
  • Tutorials


Our E-learning localization services

Digital training is nowadays an increasingly common and indispensable need for users all over the world. Our native speaker experts can provide E-learning localization services for every field of specialization and in all target languages, ensuring the best training experiences for any content.

Training and refresher courses

Doing digital training can be extremely complex. Our E-learning localization services facilitate learning experiences for workers and employees in any language.

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Tutorials are a very useful tool for learning new skills-we at Eurotrad help you make your online tutorials accessible to users anywhere in the world.

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Translation Subtitles

For your course videos, we take care of subtitle translation, subtitle editing and text localization quality verification.

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Why Eurotrad

Accurate and tailored localization for E-learning

The role played by localization for E-learning is therefore absolutely crucial. One certainly cannot hope to achieve satisfactory results with a simple literal translation of the text. What is necessary to require of the translator is to understand the tone of the content, the intended audience, and the intention of the speaker. The translation and localization of an E-learning course intended for university students will certainly have a different style and characteristics from that of a corporate refresher course, and will still be different from the translation of a certification program.

We at Eurotrad are well aware of this need and, thanks to our more than twenty years of experience, we have created a dense network of professional native speakers, specializing in a wide variety of fields, which allows us to identify the most suitable professional for your translation in a very short time.

In addition, our modus operandi is well-proven: an in-house project manager follows each assignment and takes care of all its various aspects: from translation, to proofreading, to final revision, all the way to getting your approval.

Before the translation begins, we make sure to listen very carefully to your requests and intentions. We know that only through a highly personalized approach is it possible to offer our clients translations in line with their expectations.


The success stories

We support companies and entities globally with our unique energy and professionalism in projects.

We have been working with Eurotrad for a couple of years now, and we are very happy. We have worked with several agencies in the past, but since working with EuroTrad, our texts come back to us faster and with higher quality. Even short-term requests are handled quickly and to our utmost satisfaction. Eurotrad employees are reliable, fast and always extremely friendly. I can recommend EuroTrad (and have done so on several occasions)!

Eurotrad has been a trusted supplier of Vitri Frigo since before I was hired. Their professionalism, short turnaround time for commissioned work, and very high level of post-layout customer service are their strengths. For these reasons, I recommend that everyone turn to our friends at Eurotrad.

I got to meet Eurotrad after talking to a colleague of ours, we were in urgent need of translation services and he recommended us to turn to them. I was immediately impressed by the flexible and professional approach shown by the staff, combined with their attention to providing the best translation, choosing the most suitable style to satisfy our clients. I recommend Eurotrad for these reasons: excellent service, fast, accurate, at a competitive price.


Do you have questions about our services?

In what languages/language combinations can localization for E-learning be done?

We translate your training services into more than 100 languages. To see all our language combinations click here “

How can I request a quote for a training course translation?

To request a quote click here “.

Otherwise send us a request to or call us at +30 0722 4272, we will get back to you right away, no obligation.

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