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How to layout graphic and design projects

Deciding on a layout for your project is as important as creating the actual content. Precise page layouts help to showcase individual elements, highlight certain strengths, and aid an understanding of the project’s overall meaning.

When devising an architectural or design project, you need to make sure the text is perfectly integrated with other elements on the page so that it can perform its function without altering the harmony of the overall composition.

This means that you need to choose the most effective layout, and there are several key rules to follow to guarantee success.

How to correctly lay out a project using a grid structure

Layout grids give a sense of order to project elements.

Using a grid to devise your layout will help you to create a striking visual effect while providing users with easily understandable content that has a sense of order and clarity.

The importance of using a white background

You might think a colourful background, wallpaper or image would to help inject a sense of personality into a project, rendering it striking and unique.

True as this may be, choosing a colourful or image-based background can cause several problems. The first being readability, which may be compromised in some places. A white background gives you free rein when choosing a colour palette for graphic elements, while a coloured background limits you to black and white.

Clarity and visual hierarchy

Creating a visual hierarchy using a basic grid structure is a key step in the layout process and helps facilitate understanding.

Both the layout and the size of each element need to be carefully considered to ensure readers seamlessly engage with the project and pause to take in the most important elements.

Treating text as a graphic element

When deciding on a layout for your project, you should treat text as if it were a graphic element.

It’s important to limit the number of fonts used in your project. Ideally, you should use the same font for all text and titles and only vary the formatting.

Treating text as a graphic element and placing it carefully within specific areas of a grid structure will help you to respect your chosen layout and to maintain a sense of visual order, which is key to delivering quality results.

The importance of storytelling

Storytelling is essential to the understanding of a project.

Images and graphics may be essential components of a project, but storytelling is key to understanding.

Storytelling explains the basic concept behind a project and how each element is connected.

To be effective, storytelling must include short, clear and impactful texts.  When it comes to translation projects, you need to format the page while bearing in mind that blocks of translated text may be longer or shorter than in the original text. One of the main tasks of professionals offering DTP services is to ensure that the translated text integrates seamlessly into the original project structure.

Redazione Eurotrad

April 8, 2021

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